Special Earthquake Warning Information

Disaster Managers, Planners and Public Officials in the Nankai Region should know the meaning of “Special Earthquake Warning Information” (SEWI).

Nankai trough image showing potentially-affected regions


Our planning guidance

Planning for receipt of “Special Earthquake Warning Information” is important and this portal will provide the guidance needed to prepare a plan for your jurisdiction. Please download the planning guidance document via the button or image below.

Planning guidance (PDF)

PDF coverOur planning guidance is consistent with national government recommendations and adds additional actions that a comprehensive plan should contain.

Research report

Report to the USJ Foundation on Regional Earthquake Forecasting in the Nankai Region of Japan: Operational Earthquake Forecasting in Japan: A Study of Municipal Government Planning for an Earthquake Advisory or Warning in the Nankai Region.

A Collaborative Project of the Disaster Prevention Research institute, Kyoto University and the Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, Boulder

Funded by the US–Japan Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Download the report (PDF)

About us

We are a team comprised of social scientists, seismologists and disaster managers based at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University.


About the Nankai trough

Scientists have identified the Nankai region as having a 70-80% chance of experiencing a major earthquake and tsunami within the next 30 years.